Majo Anime

Monday, March 18, 2013

True Intentions

Wow it's been awhile since I've said anything on here. There's quite a few reasons as to why, and I won't get into them. My true reason for blogging today, is to explain why I even started this blog, it's really not just to put my two cents about anime out there.

The real reason I started this whole thing, the blog, the store, the facebook page, is because in the end I want Majo Anime to be a real live store. Where I live there isn't anywhere close by that sells anime, and I want to change that. Why? Because as anyone that knows me will tell you, anime is my obsession. It doesn't matter who I'm talking to, what we're talking about, somehow I always find a connection with anime. And I want to share that obsession and passion that I have with others.

Now I know people can just buy anime online, but still I think there's something to be said about actually walking into a store and looking around. For me there's just something to be said about walking into a place and being surrounded by something I love, and I want to extend that to others.

I know there's a lot of difficulties in starting my own business and in a truth I'm not really ready to start on any of them, but this is a dream I've had ever since I first started getting into anime nearly 20 years ago and it hasn't gone away. Sometimes it's gotten pushed to the side in light of other things going on in my life, but it's always a thought running around in my head. Even with all the difficulties that face me with this endeavor, it's still something I want to do.

Besides all the business details and hardships with starting a business, I've faced with more. Most people around me, are very negative about the idea. They'll laugh and joke about it, saying how I'll never be able to do it, or how it's not a good idea because my niche is so small there's no market for it in the area I live. Truth be told, this just makes me want to do it more and prove them all wrong.

Yes, I have big plans and ideas for what I want the store to be, a few people actually know what they are. I don't think I'll go into those details right now, but maybe in a later blog.

I know this wasn't really about anime, but I just thought everyone should know why this page is truly here.

But I think that's all I'll say for now. Until next time everyone.